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A London housing provider has appointed a sector transformation specialist to undertake two important reviews.

Genesis, which has 33,000 homes in its portfolio, has selected Vantage Business Solutions to carry out a business review of its temporary housing service as well as a financial review of its repairs and maintenance service.

Genesis operates across London and the east of England with a stock portfolio consisting of a range of properties including temporary housing, rented homes, homes for sale and supported housing.

During the last five years, Vantage has helped housing providers make cashable savings of more than £75million through improving financial and operational performance.

Genesis’s temporary housing service is one of the largest in the social housing sector, while its repairs and maintenance contract was awarded to Kier in June 2014.

Tony Bryan, Chief Executive of Vantage Business Solutions, said: “We are delighted to have been appointed by Genesis to carry out these two important reviews.

“Housing providers are under greater pressure than ever before to ensure they are achieving Value for Money while at the same time providing their customers with a high quality service.

“We are finding more and more housing providers are turning to Vantage to help them ensure they are achieving the best possible levels of financial and operational performance.”

Vantage specialises in a number of areas including repairs and maintenance transformation; set-up of DLOs; DLO transformation; driving maximum value within Capital and Major Works programmes; and cost reduction programmes.


  • For more information, please contact Nick Mason at Mason Media on 0151 239 5050 or 07903 237008 or email: nick@masonmedia.co.uk