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Vantage’s Performance Improvement club goes from strength to strength

by Dec 12, 2017Latest News, News, PI Club

Vantage is delighted to welcome new members POBL and Regnda to the Performance Improvement (PI) Club. POBL, is the largest Housing Association in Wales and Regnda has approximately 13,000 properties across the North West. Earlier this year Metropolitan, Sovereign and Orbit Group also joined this thriving group, which now represents registered providers with a combined total of over 500,000 stock.

The PI Club brings together like minded Finance Directors to share relevant and fresh information. It is open to any Finance Director who wants to achieve genuine performance improvement. It offers true financial comparisons across Business Segment for the first time in the sector.

“We’ve worked with housing sector leaders to develop a member led club that helps them access the information they need to influence the future strategic direction of their businesses,” said Tony Bryan, Chief Executive of Vantage Business Solutions.

Tony continues: “The group meets quarterly to discuss topical issues facing the housing sector. The group benefits from industry experts at these sessions and a strong peer learning network.

Glen Harris MBE, Executive Director of Corporate Resources at Midland Heart commented “We share and discuss performance information with our peers to identify where management efforts should be focused. The club listens to its members to produce the information we need to influence the future direction of our business.”

Members can easily adapt and tailor the Global Account Plus online tools to support providers’ ongoing performance improvement plans. This easy to access tool assists with board reporting, Value for Money assessments and business planning. The key is to measure what matters”.

To find out more about The Performance Improvement Club for housing providers and the membership packages click here