0151 348 4113 [email protected]

Vantage Clubs and Forums: sharing learning & collaborating nationally with other social housing providers

Future Leaders Club

The Future Leaders programme drives-up commercial acumen and strategic awareness among Assets and Repairs, Housing Services and Corporate Services leaders, to meet the challenges facing the sector. 

Customer First Club

Customer First is a learning and collaboration programme for Customer Experience leaders aimed at addressing the rise in complaints and driving up customer experience.

Performance Club

The Performance Club helps CFOs/FDs share and discuss strategic financial intelligence and explore opportunities to drive better VFM.

Zero Carbon Club

The Zero Carbon Club is a peer network programme that is driving forward the sectors decarbonisation strategies, roadmaps and delivery plans.


Operations Directors Forum

The Operations Directors Forum provides a space for Directors in Housing, Operations, Transformation & Customer Experience to learn and share information as a group.

Asset Directors Forum

The Strategic Assets & Repairs Forum provides a space for Directors to discuss common issues and share good practice

IT & Transformation Directors Forum

The IT & Transformation Directors Forum provides a space to share challenges, innovations and lessons learnt

HR Leaders Forum

The HR and Organisational Development Directors Forum provides a space for Directors o learn and share information as a group.