Achieving Zero Carbon
In a bid to meet carbon zero targets and influence policy and the market, the Vantage Strategic Assets and Maintenance Forum came together in February to discuss Target Zero Carbon 2050. Forum members Orbit Group led a session exploring opportunities for collaborative R&D across the Zero Carbon Agenda and have launched a sector wide survey this week on strategies, progress and research in a bid to avoid duplication and share learning.
“The Zero Carbon and Affordable Warmth targets are becoming increasingly high on everyone’s agenda and will have a huge impact on how we manage existing assets and develop new homes. Orbit feel that there is a huge benefit to be gained, for all RP’s affected, to work together and share a joint understanding of the impact and potential solutions”
Rebecca Heise, Head of Strategic Property Investment at Orbit Group
You can access the survey here, and if you would like to know more about the discussions or support for your housing organisation, drop me a line.