With the updated consumer inspection process rolling out from April, the Customer First Club will focus on getting ready for consumer regulation. We will be joined for a roundtable discussion by Kate Dodsworth, Chief of Regulatory Engagement, Regulator of Social Housing.
The group will hear from providers who took part in the Customer Inspection Pilots on key areas of focus and recommendations for good practice, including Emma Richman, Director of Operations at Peaks & Plains Housing Trust, Paul Warburton, Group Housing Director at Torus, and Paul Seymour, Executive Director of Customers and Communities at Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
- Hear contrasting views from providers who took part in the Customer Inspection Pilots on key areas of focus and recommendations for good practice.
- Discuss the inspection process and gain latest insight from the Regulator
- Identify how members are progressing internally with boards and management teams in preparation for the changes.
The event will enable social housing leaders to come together to share best practice and create a network of support.
For more information on the Customer First Club email info@yourvantage.co.uk or visit https://yourvantage.co.uk/customer-first-club/