Chief Executive Tony Bryan shares his thoughts on the Homes and Communities Agency’s Value for Money (VFM) standard:
Vantage Business Solutions is the market leader in Value for Money and has been at the forefront of developing new approaches to Value for Money in the Housing Sector over the last ten years. Having welcomed the HCA as speakers at our seminars, we believe we know very clearly what they are trying to achieve through their VFM standard.
The HCA have made it clear that they will not issue a “Boilerplate template” for how to deliver VFM and we agree with this approach. It is our belief that self-assessments and any VFM demonstration should virtually ‘fall out’ from your performance management framework so that performance improvement and quantification of that improvement are built into people’s day-to-day roles. This is why we work with all of our clients to focus their efforts on building a well-run Social Business. Through achieving this, they will automatically both meet and exceed the current and any future VFM Standard.
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