0151 348 4113 [email protected]

Whether large or small, housing associations of all sizes face the same pressures to produce financial statements, VFM reporting, compliance and pressure from the regulator.

Vantage invite representatives from Small and Medium Sized Housing Associations to a seminar at Midland Heart in central Birmingham, to explore how finance directors and chief executives are harnessing new tools to automate their finance functions, streamline VFM reporting and manage the largest Value Drivers underpinning their Strategic Goals.

Come and hear from John Drozd, Finance Director at Midland Heart on how you can free up your finance teams by accessing online tools and software.  Vantage have developed an online tool that will automate your VFM reporting and give your Executive team and Board assurance on how you compare to your true peers. The tool will enable intelligent peer selection and is the first of its kind in the Housing Sector eliminating the need for traditional costly and time consuming benchmarking that rarely adds value.

The session will also include a case study spotlight on how Robotic Process Automation can benefit housing providers, illustrating how Stonewater Housing Association have improved shared ownership mortgage applications.

“This is what the sector has been needing for years” – Phil Elvy, Executive Finance Director, Great Places Housing Group


Birmingham – Midland Heart, 20 Bath Row, Birmingham B15 1LZ  
Monday 15th July 2019
Time: 10.00 – 14.00

Who Should Attend?
– CEOs
– Finance Directors
– Executive Directors
– Heads of Finance
– Finance Managers

The session is ideally suited to small and medium sized housing associations with <5,000 stock

There will be a nominal charge of £20 per ticket and lunch will be provided.

Automation in Finance Booking Form